Englisch » Polnisch

side [saɪd] SUBST

1. side (vertical surface):

bok m
side by side

2. side (part):

strona f

5. side (team):


6. side (lineage):

on my mother's side

7. side of story:

wersja f

8. side (in addition):

on the side

9. side AM (served separately):

on the side

assets side SUBST WIRTSCH

debit column, debit side SUBST WIRTSCH

debtor side SUBST WIRTSCH

earnings side SUBST WIRTSCH

flip side SUBST

1. flip side MUS:

flip side
strona f B (singla)

2. flip side (the reverse):

flip side

lamp table, side table SUBST

liabilities side SUBST WIRTSCH

side dish SUBST GASTRO

side dish

side effect SUBST

side issue SUBST

side road SUBST

side road

side salad SUBST GASTRO

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Then the arrival platform, which is of the same length of that on the opposite side, and twenty feet wide.
The paintings were only applied on one side, using tempera paints.
The game features a simplified version of association football, with six players per side and no offsides, throw-ins, or fouls.
In heraldry all charges (pictures) on a shield are assumed to be facing dexter (right side) unless otherwise specified.
The transition between splines is pretty slick, the tiles leaping off to one side with new tiles jumping in.
The story celebrates love as well as exposes its dark side of tormenting its patrons in pursuit of it.
On either side of the gnomon is a quadrant of a circle, parallel to the plane of the equator.
Flanking the other side of the house are six bedrooms, including a charming parents' retreat set under the home's turret with a built-in day bed, en suite and private verandah.
The road had four lanes, two on each direction and lateral feeder streets of one lane on each side.
They finally agreed that the bier should rest alternately one year on each side.

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