Englisch » Russisch

I . labour [ˈleɪbəɐ, Am -bɚ] SUBST

2. labour no Pl econ (workers):

skilled labour

3. labour no Pl MED (childbirth):

to be in labour

II . labour [ˈleɪbəɐ, Am -bɚ] VERB intr

casual labour SUBST no Pl, casual work SUBST no Pl

cheap labour SUBST

hard labor SUBST Am, hard labour SUBST Brit, Aus JUR

labour dispute SUBST

Labour Exchange SUBST Brit econ

labour market SUBST

labour movement SUBST POL

labour pains SUBST pl MED

Labour Party SUBST no Pl Brit, Aus POL

labour relations SUBST pl

labour shortage SUBST

labour ward SUBST

manual labour SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In short order, the civilians began to be deported to forced labour camps.
The mandates of each organisation would be respected, and there would be no recourse to trade sanctions whilst maintaining a degree of basic protection for labour rights.
The labour cost depends upon what is happening to the demand and supply of labour in the economy.
In 2011-2012 hundreds of political prisoners were released and legislative changes re-establishing labour rights in the country.
The act eliminates unfair discrimination in certain sectors of the national labour market by imposing similar constraints on another.
In the afternoon, she began getting contractions and her labour pains started.
I do casual labour over at the casual labour office.
There are numerous variations of self-management, including labour-managed firms and worker-managed firms.
She says when a farmer can afford to employ casual labour, the worker needs to have good skills and work ethic.
Since then the enterprise has been trying to pull out of the collective labour agreement and has been forced back into it by a bitter strike.

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