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Übersetzungen für tariffs im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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tariff [ˈtærɪf, Am ˈter-] SUBST

1. tariff Brit form (list of charges):

Beispielsätze für tariffs

import tariffs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He also thought that tariffs protected monopolistic companies from competition, thus augmenting their power.
Parts and components received substantially lower tariffs to help fledgling carmakers.
The agreement is designed to gradually reduce tariffs on specific goods between member-states, with a supervisory committee overseeing the process.
The benefits of trade agreements are now arguably more about removing so-called non-tariff barriers than cutting tariffs.
In the 178389 period, each state set up its own trade rules, often imposing tariffs or restrictions on neighboring states.
Some countries offer incentives in the form of, for example, feed-in tariffs for feeding electricity onto the power grid to subsidize green energy production.
Our government imposes tariffs and luxury vehicle tax, yet cars - even prestige cars - sell at a record rate.
The local tariffs of the home organization apply and the charges are invoiced from the home organisation.
The operators warned that mobile tariffs would go up if they were forced to pay for dropped calls.
However, large tariffs remain in place on many textile products.

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