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Übersetzungen für alright im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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al·right [ɔ:lˈraɪt] ADJ ADV INTERJ

alright → all right:

Siehe auch: all right

II . all right INTERJ

1. all right (in agreement):

v redu

2. all right aufw ugs:

3. all right Brit ugs (greeting):

III . all right ADV

1. all right (doubtless):

2. all right (quite well):

Beispielsätze für alright

don't fret over himhe'll be alright

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Word was, my shoe was actually doing alright.
It doesn't matter if they act like they're not as if they're alright.
Alright, you've got three hours to prepare yourself.
Jax is still confident that nothing will go wrong and promises her that everything and everyone will be alright.
It had a beak, alright, and a few feathery appendages, but the beak wasn't really a beak.
He frequently expressed hopes she would be alright.
While everyone rushed outside to see if she was alright, the bug secretly jumped off the screen and ran away.
It (the title) sounds alright to me now, but before.....
They kept coming at us alright but our back line was very strong and that made a big difference in the end.
I applied restoratives and in a little while she was alright.

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