Englisch » Slowenisch

would [wʊd] VERB Aux vb

1. would (in indirect speech):

2. would (to express condition):

what would you do if ...?
kaj bi storil, če ...?

3. would (to express inclination):

sb would rather [or sooner]do sth

4. would (polite request):

if you would just wait a moment ...

5. would (expressing opinion):

I would imagine that ...
rekel bi, da ...
nisem si mislil, da ...

6. would (express regularity):

he would say that, wouldn't he?
he would say that, wouldn't he?

I . ˈwould-be ADJ attr

II . ˈwould-be SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We handled all aspects of production ourselves, working on weekends and whenever our collective personal schedules would permit.
Canasta loses his temper at his would-be victim's obtuseness.
But the hotel manager and the bartender would have none of such tomfoolery.
They are not manufactured locally and the costs of setting up local manufacturing facilities would be prohibitive, given the regulations surrounding pharmaceuticals.
The bears would not have returned north except in pursuit of food.
We would have the odd bit of pilfering of potatoes and onions, but this was deliberate.
For typical laser wavelengths, this method would require billions of micrometre-size antennae.
He would appear at his publisher's in a morning coat and patent leather pumps.
This batch of tunes could be used in much the same way, and includes some characters who would probably benefit mightily, if temporarily, from a good antifogmatic.
While this isn't a problem for the associativity of integer addition, it would have a significantly different value if this were subtraction.

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