Englisch » Slowenisch

I . creep [kri:p] SUBST ugs

1. creep (unpleasant person):

kreten m

2. creep Brit (crawler):

3. creep (unpleasant feeling):

the creeps
I get the creeps when ...
I don't like him - he gives me the creeps
that gives me the creeps

II . creep <crept, crept> [kri:p] VERB intr

creep up VERB intr

2. creep (sneak up on):

Beispielsätze für creeps

I get the creeps when ...
that gives me the creeps
I don't like him - he gives me the creeps

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Venture capitalists clearly remain bullish on bitcoin and its potential, as the amount of capital invested creeps to the half-billion dollar mark.
And the track has had problems in the past with weepers -- where water creeps up from cracks in the asphalt.
The player must stop a set number of enemies, known in the genre as creeps, from reaching a set point on the playing field.
In what appears to be a competive bid to outsiders, a whole bunch of crony capitalism coupled with corruption cartelization creeps into the equation.
Support helps to finish off creeps or to keep creeps in range of turrets longer to maximize effect.
The country is enjoying a cyclical upswing, creating an illusion of recovery even as the current account deficit creeps up again.
As the day grows long, a tropical storm creeps overhead, which punctures the sea with pinpricks of rain.
But when such casualness creeps into professional and artistic life as well, certain problematic situations arise that aren't wholly palatable.
Throughout their journey, a mysterious fog creeps up the river, bringing sickness to the towns it touches.
In the absence of sustained effort in practicing meditation, craving creeps in and the meditator comes under its influence.

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