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Übersetzungen für unleashed im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für unleashed

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He then unleashed a vicious left hook that sent the wild-swinging Nicaraguan to the canvas.
The 38-year-old did a spin in the right circle and unleashed a backhander at the end of the loop.
His super ego has been unleashed within his subconscious to stop the madness.
Alas, hawks and hotheads in high government very soon unleashed an all-out military counter-attack.
When they find this out and decide to go separate ways an unpredictable series of events is unleashed.
However, this experiment unleashed disaster upon all existence.
However, through the excessive self-restraint of celibacy this vital energy can be unleashed with devastating effect.
At the same time, sharp partisan political battles in the wake of the 2006 coup have unleashed unprecedented questioning of established institutions, including the palace.
Surrey had a prominent role in the development of the radical political movements unleashed by the civil war.
Violence and destruction, including the demolition of a glass factory, unleashed the traditional repressive measure.

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