Englisch » Chinesisch

eye [aı] SUBST

1. eye:


black eye SUBST

bull's-eye, bullseye [ˈbʊlzaı] SUBST

cat's eye SUBST

1. cat's eye:

cat's eye

eye candy SUBST

eye doctor SUBST

eye strain SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Real alarm clocks are not expensive, so by investing in one you'll remove one of the biggest distractions that's stopping you from getting shut-eye.
Another must is a good eye for detail to spot blemished bodywork or crash damage, and preferably some mechanical know-how, or a friend with some.
He pled guilty to one charge of recklessly inflicting grievous bodily harm, the victim suffered fractures to his jaw, eye socket, hard palate, cheek bone and nose.
She is legally blind and deaf, with cysts pushing on her optic nerve causing blackouts in one eye.
Powers include a bladed boomerang on the head that can launch and emit electricity, burrowing, launchable arms, and eye lasers.
The disease also affects the orbital area, creating an upturned eye appearance.
The respondents answered a number of questions varying from skin color preference, eye shape, face shape, etc.
A makeup artist has created a collection of surreal artworks on his hands using just an eyebrow pencil and eye shadow.
According to the book, the main concern of painting should be to please the eye of the beholder.
When passing through friable tissues, the eye needle and suture combination may thus traumatise tissues more than a swaged needle, hence the designation of the latter as atraumatic.

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