eye im Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Übersetzungen für eye im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

I.eye [Am aɪ, Brit ʌɪ] SUBST

1.1. eye ANAT:

ojo m
a glass eye
a glass eye
to give sb a black eye
to give sb a black eye
to give sb a black eye
an eye for an eye BIBL
to have a roving eye
he has a roving eye
he has a roving eye
to see eye to eye with sb usu with neg
to see eye to eye with sb usu with neg
attr at eye level
eye level oven

1.2. eye (look, gaze):

y ahora, a la vista de todos, …
I tried to catch his eye
easy on the eye ugs
to give sb the eye or veraltend the glad eye ugs
to hit sb in the eye wörtl (strike)
to turn a blind eye

II.eye <Part Präs eying or Brit eyeing> [Am aɪ, Brit ʌɪ] VERB trans

shut-eye [Am ˈʃəd ˌaɪ, Brit] SUBST U ugs

eye strain [Am ˈaɪ ˌstreɪn, Brit] SUBST U

eye-opener [Am ˈaɪˌoʊp(ə)nər, Brit ˈʌɪˌəʊp(ə)nə] SUBST ugs

eye im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für eye im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch


an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth Sprichw
to give sb a black eye
to turn a blind eye (to sth)
to be one in the eye for sb Brit ugs
to give sb the eye ugs, to make eyes at sb ugs
to (not) see eye to eye with sb

eye Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth Sprichw
to turn a blind eye (to sth)
to be one in the eye for sb Brit ugs
to (not) see eye to eye with sb
an eye for an eye (a tooth for a tooth)
ojo por ojo (y diente por diente) Sprichw
Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The medical evidence stated that there was a deep cut over the right eye such as might be produced by falling on a broken bottle.
Another must is a good eye for detail to spot blemished bodywork or crash damage, and preferably some mechanical know-how, or a friend with some.
Most adults need at least five hours' shut-eye to function prop-erly and some need eight.
Next, it was prefrontal lobotomies with an ice pick through the eye socket.
It's an eye-catcher for all the right reasons; it doesn't try to be too smart but at the same time, it is smart.
She is legally blind and deaf, with cysts pushing on her optic nerve causing blackouts in one eye.
According to the book, the main concern of painting should be to please the eye of the beholder.
Real alarm clocks are not expensive, so by investing in one you'll remove one of the biggest distractions that's stopping you from getting shut-eye.
When passing through friable tissues, the eye needle and suture combination may thus traumatise tissues more than a swaged needle, hence the designation of the latter as atraumatic.
He pled guilty to one charge of recklessly inflicting grievous bodily harm, the victim suffered fractures to his jaw, eye socket, hard palate, cheek bone and nose.

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