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Übersetzungen für Robinson im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Heath Robinson [ˌhi:θˈrɒbɪnsən] ADJ inv Brit scherzh

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

a Heath Robinson contraption

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There's something a bit eccentric, a bit Heath Robinson about balloonists that has always appealed.
Heath Robinson was an artist, his draughtsmanship was beautiful but the engineering was flawed.
Many of his machines are Heath Robinson devices, in that they perform simple tasks in a convoluted and complex fashion.
With Heath Robinson, it was the idea of a highly elaborate, wonky, homemade bit of gadgetry.
His latest offering for the event is inspired by the wonderful drawings of eccentric spoof inventor Heath Robinson.
Along the way, Heath Robinson-style experiments winkle out interesting facts about the flora and fauna.
In the middle is a long table bearing a Heath Robinson arrangement of automatic toasting machines lashed together into a rudimentary production line.
Despite its Heath Robinson appearance, it functioned at a basic, but efficient level, for almost five years.
Heath Robinson, whose name became a synonym for absurdly ingenious devices thanks to his wacky drawings, has been cited as an inspiration for numerous illustrators.
The name is a play on the artist Heath Robinson.

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