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Übersetzungen für sepulchre im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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sep·ul·chre, Am sep·ul·cher [ˈsepəlkəʳ, Am -kɚ] SUBST veraltet

sepulchre (tomb)
Grab nt <-(e)s, Grä·ber>
sepulchre (tomb)
Grabstätte f <-, -n>
sepulchre (monument)
Grabmal nt <-(e)s, -mä·ler>
the Holy Sepulchre

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

the Holy Sepulchre

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They persuade themselves that it is a uniquely glorious monument for the dead to obtain a sepulchre in the stomachs of living animals.
To the right and left of this front are two sepulchres.
She stands on a sepulchre around which figures of a cardinal, a bishop, a king and a philosopher are offering her gifts.
But common sepulchres were usually built below ground, and called hypogea.
You are all a set of vipers, of whited sepulchres, and wanting in faith.
Some of the most important royal sepulchres have alabaster statues that lie over the tomb.

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