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bituminous coal [bɪˈtʃuːmɪnəs], hard coal, black coal SUBST

hard coal, bituminous coal, black coal SUBST

ˈcoal-black ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In total, the oblast is estimated to have over 90 deposits of lignite and black coal, with overall reserves of 70 billion tons.
It has a lower energy density than black coal and requires a much larger furnace for equivalent heat output.
These additions resulted in a reduction in the dependence on black coal by the 1950s.
It was originally the domain of many private companies, who all operated their own small gasworks which converted black coal into gas.
After the discovery of black coal in the area, many miners and workers came and settled there.
My rooftop solar goal is to close down fossil fuel power stations -- first brown coal, then black coal, then natural gas.
In the 19th century, black coal deposits were discovered and new people arrived in the town.
In 1763, large deposits of black coal were discovered, leading to an industrial boom and a flood of new immigrants in the following centuries.
Black coal and lignite reserves are estimated to be 70 billion tons.
This was a fine black coal-grit dumped on the beach by the turning tide.

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