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Übersetzungen für celebrity death im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

However, it's too easy to circulate false information (i.e. weekly celebrity death hoaxes), so it's better suited for one-off convo's rather than full overviews/stories.
And in the event of a celebrity death?
Just like 2016 that had so many revelations of high rate of celebrity death, here we go again in 2017 that has just started.
Look at how many of the social media posts in the wake of a celebrity death are about the poster and their own feelings.
Why do people take the public, social-media spectacle of celebrity death so personally?
From there, anyone who has access to the web can generate a fake celebrity death hoax story.
Probably not a major celebrity death, nor any sort of big accident.
If you subscribe to any form of media, then you will not be able to escape the coverage given to a celebrity death.
The entire nation knows of a celebrity death within minutes.
Hoaxes about the death of a celebrity increase in frequency when genuine celebrity deaths occur.

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