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Übersetzungen für come-uppance im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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come-up·pance [kʌmˈʌpən(t)s] SUBST no pl scherzh ugs

to get one's come-uppance
to get one's come-uppance

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to get one's come-uppance

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Of course, they will slowly get their come-uppance because their system doesn't work better in all respects.
In true genre tradition, the alien gets its come-uppance faced with human ability to reason logically.
Those who have sought to enrich themselves at the expense of the blameless taxpayer jolly well deserve their come-uppance.
They spend their days out at sea looking for fish, even though there are few left (something to do with the deities giving bolshy human beings their come-uppance).
A venerable, good natured-play where the pompous get their come-uppance.
She writes characters you love, or you love to hate and you can't wait to see them get their come-uppance.
His come-uppance proves richly satisfying.
He played the tour rep bully, who gets his come-uppance in glorious gross-out fashion.
And what seemed, at first, like another strategy to get his ex- back becomes a pivotal turning point in his come-uppance.

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