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den [den] SUBST

1. den (lair):

Bau m <-(e)s, -e>

2. den (children's playhouse):

Verschlag m <-(e)s, -schlä·ge>

3. den esp Am:

den (study)
den (private room)
Bude f <-, -n> ugs
den (private room)
den (for hobbies)
Hobbyraum m <-(e)s, -räume>

4. den scherzh (evil place):

Lasterhöhle f <-, -n> abw ugs
den of thieves
Räuberhöhle f <-, -n> ugs

ˈden moth·er SUBST Am

den mother
Herbergsmutter f <-, -mütter>

ˈgam·bling den SUBST abw

gambling den
Spielhölle f <-, -n> abw

ˈopium den SUBST

opium den
Opiumhöhle f <-, -n>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

a den of iniquity abw dated
ein Sündenpfuhl m veraltend oft scherzh

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

River otters living in groups hunt and travel together, use the same dens, resting sites, and latrines, and perform allogrooming.
Seafarers engaged in illegal business long valued this maze of islands as a den of piracy and smuggling.
It goes on to state that there he was thrown into the den of the lions, but was later rescued.
During the heat of the day, they hide under vegetation or in subterranean dens that they dig.
Television monitors with a live stream to the maternity den were added to the exhibit shortly after.
There is an intense battle every year to see which den makes it to the top.
The glider will make a den in the hollow tree and line it with leaves.
The area became infamous through exaggerated reports of opium dens and slum housing.
There are also several safes built into the masonry, scattered throughout the house, including a walk-in size safe in the den.
The dens are often lined with leaves and strips of bark.

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