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Übersetzungen für enlargement im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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en·large·ment [ɪnˈlɑ:ʤmənt, Am enˈlɑ:rʤ-] SUBST

1. enlargement no pl:

enlargement (act of making bigger)
Vergrößerung f <-, -en>
enlargement (act of expanding)
Erweiterung f <-, -en>
enlargement (act of expanding)
Ausdehnung f <-, -en>
enlargement (act of making higher)
Erhöhung f <-, -en>

2. enlargement FOTO:

Vergrößerung f <-, -en>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Post-mortem findings include enlargement of the spleen, liver and kidneys.
This film had unmatched fine grain, especially when rated at a low speed, and made excellent enlargements while preserving fine details.
In addition, the power grid supplying the plant may have increased the available fault capacity due to the enlargement of its own system.
At the time of the first enlargement, the subscription price was reduced to $5 per annum, always in advance, or $3 for six months.
The vestry is a relatively modest rectangular structure, built in 1841 with enlargements in the early 20th century and again in the 1980s.
In the end of the sixteenth century this church suffered the first of a series of reconstructions and enlargements.
The forward part of the trigger bow was provided with an enlargement which was drilled to receive the sling swivel rivet.
It is indicated only in cases of hypersplenism, or other cases of unexplained spleen enlargement.
Microscopically, lymph nodes also contain foci of hematopoiesis, but these are insufficient to cause enlargement.
Before the immune function of the thymus was well understood, the enlargement was sometimes seen as a cause for alarm, and justification for surgical reduction.

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