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Equal Rights Aˈmend·ment SUBST, ERA SUBST Am

having equal rights


Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Its members were left-wingers who advocated a democratic republic with universal direct suffrage and equal rights for all nationalities.
A time when the young do their own thing and want to save the world, when women right for equal rights and first nations claim their ancestral heritage.
He was a strong supporter of intellectual freedom, equal rights, civil liberties, and workers.
Now they are struggling for equal rights and assimilation, while anti-vampire organizations begin to gain power.
At this time, she also became active in equal rights activism, minority and elder rights.
Its main goal is to create equal opportunities and equal rights for every woman and child in the country.
However, most of the time women are responsible for denying equal rights to other women and cultivating ill-will among genders.
Women have equal rights in divorce and are entitled to alimony, but husbands are often permitted to retain full control of family businesses after divorces.
All these battles were won and the bicyclist was accorded equal rights with other users of highways and streets.
They have equal rights of employment, in both public and private sectors, and are entitled to social security benefits, labour benefits, residence, education and travel.

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