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Übersetzungen für excepting im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ex·cept·ing [ɪkˈseptɪŋ] PRÄP

außer +Dat
not excepting
always excepting

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

always excepting
not excepting

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Nothing will answer excepting to fight great battles in plains, in which their defeat is as certain as the commencement of the battle.
They, excepting those willing to pursue a life of petty crime, live a life of tedium and depression.
He would stay in that position until 1994, excepting an interlude during which he was removed from the position.
First, the player must build and manage military bases (excepting stage 11), which consist of a variety of structures.
It is analytic on the entire plane, excepting a lone simple pole at 1.
The grain had to be kept covered with water for 48 hours, excepting one hour for changing the water.
The people now often marry within the main clan, excepting ones own sub-clan.
Definitions and explanations are in simplified, excepting classical quotations.
All constituents may be filled by zero, excepting the verb.
The architecture along the route is predominantly residential, principally excepting the cluster of municipal and religious buildings in the town center.

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