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Übersetzungen für exceptional items im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ex·ˈcep·tion·al items SUBST Pl WIRTSCH, FIN

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Those figures from 2012 included exceptional items.
A note states that the exceptional items occurred as a result of the sale of the company during the financial period.
At the same time, volunteers keep a lookout for exceptional items that can be sold through other channels.
Improvement in the exceptional items and lower interest as well as depreciation cost led profitability to escalate.
Diluted earnings per share were up 18.3% before exceptional items and 23.8% after exceptional items.
It said in a trading update that its 2009 earnings before exceptional items compared with an operating loss of 20 million euros in 2008.
He recalls exceptional items passing through the store.
The figure is also adjusted for exceptional items, although pre-opening costs do not qualify.
These included improper capitalisation of costs, pre-dating the sale of a database and labelling management costs as exceptional items.
The group attributed the loss to exceptional items such as restructuring costs and a writedown in asset values.

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