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Übersetzungen für foresight im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈfore·sight SUBST

1. foresight no pl (prediction):

Weitblick m <-(e)s> kein pl
to have the foresight to do sth

2. foresight (on a gun):

Korn nt <-(e)s>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to have the foresight to do sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

With great foresight they had brought into the city supplies of every kind in quantities sufficient to enable it to withstand a long siege.
Each combat round comprises planning thrusts, parrys and jumps, sometimes in anticipation of the opponent's choices which are revealed through the foresight attribute.
A foresight approach would seek to analyse and so highlight the assumptions underpinning such views.
The distinction between recklessness and criminal negligence lies in the presence or absence of foresight as to the prohibited consequences.
The beaded foresight was protected by a spring steel shroud.
This is done by adequate methods, like strategic foresight or scenario analysis.
Carter, lacking the foresight that we all acquire through hindsight, failed to buy any copies.
Wild cards may or may not be announced by weak signals, which are incomplete and fragmented data from which relevant foresight information might be inferred.
Social welfare refers to all the mechanisms of collective foresight, enabling individuals to cope with the financial consequences of social risks.
Foresight is not the same as futures research or strategic planning.

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