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Übersetzungen für good-humoured im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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good-ˈhu·moured, Am good-ˈhu·mored [ˌgʊdˈhju:məd, Am -mɚd] ADJ

to have a good-humoured way about one

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to have a good-humoured way about one

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Noble manners, an engaging disposition, affable and condescending address, a genial and good-humoured bearing, even if some allowance is made for partiality in description, make up an attractive portrait.
Some of them seem to be just recorded oral poetry, but some imitate the country-side manner with an attitude of good-humoured teasing.
Men with bandanas have rarely sounded so good-humoured and untroubled.
Estimates of the possible size of the leak range up to 110,000 bpd, but the mood is relaxed and good-humoured.
Teasing was good-humoured and mild rather than spiteful.
With the world at large he's cocky, cheeky and good-humoured.
With all this he was always good-humoured, the darling of the ladies, and enjoyed wonderful good health really a dazzling appearance.
He was eloquent, intelligent and good-humoured, generous but not extravagant.
She describes herself as intelligent, shy, pleasant, good-humoured and charming in addition to being beautiful.
The soldiers, quietly good-humoured, insisted on carrying my pack.

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