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Übersetzungen für professionalism im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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pro·fes·sion·al·ism [prəˈfeʃənəlɪzəm] SUBST no pl

1. professionalism:

professionalism (skill and experience)
professionalism (skill and experience)
professionalism (attitude)
to handle sth with professionalism
to handle oneself with professionalism

2. professionalism SPORT:


Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to handle sth with professionalism
to handle oneself with professionalism
the campaign needs to be injected with a shot of professionalism

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She claimed that the university was operating outside the bounds of common decency, collegiality, professionalism and integrity.
Uppermost in their minds was the perception that a lack of professionalism was emerging that was generating an unfavourable image amongst client companies and contractors.
Someone whose dedication, professionalism and concern for fellow service members and community set a standard for all of us.
He is a speaker on criminal law, ethics, and professionalism.
The force has gradually acquired experience and a reputation for professionalism over the two decades it has been in existence.
The most important aspects being the artistic value of the masterpiece and the originality and professionalism of the artist.
He received the award in recognition of his warmth as a broadcaster and his professionalism as a forecaster.
The girls' professionalism were challenged when few of the working models they worked with constantly tried to break their confidence.
Rarely injured, he led the side with dedication and total professionalism.
His professionalism and skills helped make the transition a successful one.

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