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Übersetzungen für publicize im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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pub·li·cize [ˈpʌblɪsaɪz] VERB trans

to publicize sth
to publicize sth (advertise)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Many important political figures on the left have never publicized their views on biology, and so their opinions of evolutionary theory are unknown.
From the little information that was released when it was allowed to be publicized, this unmanned helicopter originally was intended for remote sensing missions.
Shortly after their true functionality is publicized they are removed as part of the approval process.
The ecumenical viewpoint waas widely publicized in the print and electronic media.
They observed that retractions of papers generally are not announced, and the reasons for retractions are not publicized.
However, they can not prohibit photography or video of a defendant being transported through public places after the arrest has been publicized.
The recommended punishment was not publicized, and could range from a simple reprimand to termination.
The class's enthusiasm level rose again, and they paraded on the streets to publicize their upcoming fashion show.
She has exerted great pressure on her supporters not to publicize her arrest or the charges against her.
The affair was widely publicized in the media.

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