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Übersetzungen für realign im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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re·align [ˌri:əˈlaɪn] VERB trans

1. realign (align again):

to realign sth
to realign books
to realign a joint

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to realign one's policies
to realign a joint
to realign books

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Tannins, enzymes and other compounds realign themselves when the liquid gets sloshed around, altering the taste profile.
The investigator should instruct the patient to maintain eye contact throughout this test, and not allow the patient to realign focus towards each stimulus.
The land was sold in order to build a drugstore and to realign the city street.
An operating room will have a map to enable the terminal cleaner to realign the operating table and equipment to the desired layout during cleaning.
Users can realign the drive themselves with a software program and a calibration disk.
Players should interpret that a break is going to happen and get there and if it doesn't you just back-pedal and realign.
A more reliable solution was to realign the head, which was easily accessible on a number of tape players, with a small (jeweller's) screwdriver.
Players should interpret that a break is going to happen and get there and if it doesn't you just back-pedal and realign, and that's part of working hard.
They remove dirt and oil and realign feather barbs by nibbling their feathers.
The bones are cut, reshaped or partially removed to realign the load-bearing surfaces of the joint.

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