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Übersetzungen für skitter im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We could see nothing beyond a few metres in any direction as the wind sent us skittering sideways and fighting to stay upright.
He skittered into the tie for third with a pressure's-off birdie at the last.
The lights dimmed for a second, then he skittered back on to answer audience's questions.
Suddenly, a small drone skitters out of the trees on their right, crashing through the brushes before landing in a spray of dirt and leaves.
Short dark pants held up with straps is all he wears as he bounds along in his odd, skittering gait.
In a voice-over, fragments of traditional knowledge and an imperfectly remembered fable come loose and blend into a shuffling, skittering tone poem.
Instead, it skittered off the right side and into a bunker.
This is a shame because, when we don't see the things as they skitter around in the basement, they're never less than terrifying.
She sees them skittering across her backyard, sometimes up to four or five at a time.
Sometimes it would skitter across the projection light, resulting in a gigantic hair appearing on the movie screen.

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