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Übersetzungen für sponge off im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She shuns work and prefers to sponge off others.
They are the sponge off mommy and daddy generation.
It suits him perfectly to sponge off her and sometimes other people, yet he can not be bothered to lift a finger to help or to clean his own apartment.
If someone were to stereotype them all as useless losers who sponge off society on welfare, break into our homes and steal from us, there would be an outcry.
A dolphin breaks a marine sponge off the sea floor and wears it over its rostrum, apparently to probe substrates for fish, possibly as a tool or simply for play.
Don't sponge off people excessively.
He could sponge off her comfortably forever, but he's committed, somewhat glumly, to assuring his self-sufficiency.
Does he rent and what are the costs or does he sponge off his parents?
Wipe them down, sponge off any marks and when dry, store them in plastic in the loft or somewhere they won't be found by mice or get damp.
Parents lose the respect and reverence of their children when they allow them to sponge off of them well into their adulthood.

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