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Übersetzungen für unbend im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . un·bend <-bent, -bent> [ʌnˈbend] VERB trans

II . un·bend <-bent, -bent> [ʌnˈbend] VERB intr

1. unbend (straighten out):

unbend pipe, rod
unbend person

2. unbend übtr person:

unbend (relax)
unbend (become less reserved)
auftauen übtr

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to unbend wire
to unbend an arm/a leg

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In one report, a thin film was made to bend and unbend by exposing it to polarized light.
Later versions of his life recorded that he was a model king who treated all his subjects with equal justice and who was unbending to flatterers.
He appears as a minifigure in the set, with short, unbending legs, the classic top hat and monocle and a purple pin-stripe suit, but lacks the familiar pointy nose.
While marching in parade formation, troops swing their legs in unison high off the ground, while keeping their legs straight and unbent.
He is very courageous and unbending in his beliefs, but these qualities also make him very naive.
Now is the time to act, to stand strong and unbending for the people, places and principles that we love.
But it appears he remains unbending in his conduct of public outburts.
Both bend deduction and bend allowance represent the difference between the neutral line or unbent "flat pattern" (the required length of the material prior to bending) and the formed bend.
At times though, she would unbend, and let her hair down and have some fun.
Although unbent and thicker, it is similar to a candy cane (which retains the aforementioned red-and-white color scheme).

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