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Übersetzungen für undreamed-of im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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un·dreamed of ADJ präd, un·dreamed-of [ʌnˈdri:mdˌɒv, Am -ˌɑ:v] ADJ attr

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to achieve undreamed-of success
to increase to undreamed-of levels

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It represents undreamed of national wealth yet holds the potential for unimaginable controversy and conflict.
To say we were enthralled was a massive understatement; we were spellbound and awed by this flickering screen showing undreamed of people and places.
Digital technology gives learners potential access to a wealth of knowledge and resources undreamed of in previous generations.
What vast, undreamed of achievement might await man would he but devote his entire interest to promoting the commonweal of a universal human brotherhood.
I've got used to death rates for diseases falling, and the levels of health and longevity rising, and better communications and freedoms undreamed of.
Unlike them, the glabrezu does not offer pleasures of the flesh but offers power, wealth, and respect undreamed of by even the most ambitious person.
Now, just three months into 2011 and here we are mirroring the events of 2008 with the surplus promising to rise to heights previously undreamed of.
It has given its blessing to the ongoing manufacture of arsenals yet undreamed of.
Unimaginable advances have been achieved in terms of increased life expectancy, reduced disease and access to lifestyles undreamed of by any tsar or pharaoh.
It has been transformed, and to some extent divided, by the decades when its standard of living reached levels undreamed of even by the well-paid in 1939.

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