Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für attached im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . attach [əˈtætʃ] VERB trans

1. attach (fix):

2. attach (connect):

3. attach form (enclose):

5. attach (fond of):

to be attached to sb/sth

6. attach (assign):

to be attached to sth

II . attach [əˈtætʃ] VERB intr

1. attach form (attribute):

2. attach CHEM:

Beispielsätze für attached

with no strings attached
to be attached to sth
to be attached to sb/sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The parcels train now blocked the track upon which the excursion train was attached.
The saddle bronc rider grips a simple rein braided from cotton or polyester and attached to a leather halter worn by the horse.
If some chromosomes are not properly attached to the mitotic spindle by the time of this checkpoint, the onset of anaphase will be delayed.
So from a practical investment point of view, there is still considerable risk attached to risk free or low risk lendings.
Over 200 tons of explosives, 80 landmines attached to parachutes and 800 firebomb canisters were dropped.
Within the scientific community, journal impact factors play a large but controversial role in determining the kudos attached to a scientist's published research record.
Peel the pears top to bottom with a sharp vegetable peeler, leaving them whole, with stems attached and the core intact.
Celestial by origin, the human soul, so long as it is attached to the body, groans under a shameful slavery.
Every story arc has several missions attached to it.
Absence of programs and resources attached a stigma to teenage pregnancies and the persons involved.

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