Englisch » Polnisch

edict [ˈi:dɪkt] SUBST form

edit [ˈedɪt] VERB trans

1. edit (for printing):

2. edit (for broadcasting):

3. edit document:

I . epic [ˈepɪk] SUBST

1. epic (long work):

2. epic LIT:

epos m

edifice [ˈedɪfɪs] SUBST form

I . eddy [ˈedi] SUBST

wir m

II . eddy [ˈedi] VERB intr liter

I . edge [eʤ] SUBST

3. edge (sharp part):

ostrze nt

4. edge (part of coin):

6. edge kein Pl (tone):

nuta f

II . edge [eʤ] VERB trans

2. edge (put border):

I . ed. SUBST

1. ed. kurz f. editor


2. ed. kurz f. edition


II . ed. ADJ

ed. kurz f. edited

wyd. (wydany)

Siehe auch: editor , edition

editor [ˈedɪtəʳ, Am -t̬ɚ] SUBST

1. editor of newspaper, magazine:

2. editor of book, section:

3. editor FILM, TV:

montażysta(-tka) m (f)

4. editor COMPUT:

edytor m

edition [ɪˈdɪʃən] SUBST

1. edition (version, episode):

wydanie nt

2. edition (number of copies):

3. edition AM (occasion):

edycja f

edgy [ˈeʤi] ADJ ugs

I . chic [ʃi:k] SUBST

II . chic [ʃi:k] ADJ

sic [sɪk, si:k] ADV


tic [tɪk] SUBST

edible [ˈedɪbl̩] ADJ

editor [ˈedɪtəʳ, Am -t̬ɚ] SUBST

1. editor of newspaper, magazine:

2. editor of book, section:

3. editor FILM, TV:

montażysta(-tka) m (f)

4. editor COMPUT:

edytor m

disc, disk AM [dɪsk] SUBST

1. disc (object):

2. disc ANAT:

dysk m

3. disc MUS:

płyta f

4. disc TECH:

tarcza f

5. disc Brit COMPUT → disk

Siehe auch: disk

disk [dɪsk] SUBST

2. disk AM → disc

I . dice <-> [daɪs] SUBST

1. dice (cube):

kostka f [do gry]

2. dice SPIELE:

kości fpl


no dice AM ugs

III . dice [daɪs] VERB trans

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