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Übersetzungen für knock out im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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knock out VERB trans

1. knock out (make unconscious):

2. knock out (cause to sleep):

3. knock out (by hitting):

4. knock out (remove contents):

5. knock out (eliminate):

6. knock out (make):

7. knock out ugs (astonish, delight):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Dwarves can use gas consumed in tunneling to flatulate with colossal power (enough to knock out trolls).
They could have sought to knock out the hypothecation.
In full-contact sparring, the aim of a competitive match is either to knock out the opponent or to force the opponent to submit.
Later, it was off to the gym, where he'd hog the pull-up bar to knock out 400 pull-ups in sets of 40 and 45.
She's described with jet-black hair, high cheekbones, bright eyes, great gams, and was a knock out.
The hardness of the elbow allows for hitting with considerable force, and experienced fighters can easily knock out, cut, or injure their opponent with a well-placed strike.
When adding in the bicarbonate of soda, just whisk it until combined or else you'll knock out all the air.
Some genomic loci have been proven very difficult to knock out.
She was armed with a purple bludger, ready to knock out her brother.

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