Englisch » Portugiesisch

Übersetzungen für does im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Portugiesisch » Englisch)

does [dʌz] VERB trans, intr, Aux

does 3rd pers sing of:

Siehe auch: do

II . do <does, did, done> [duː] VERB Aux

1. do (to form questions):

do you own a dog?

2. do (to form negatives):

3. do (to form imperatives):

4. do (used for emphasis):

5. do (replaces repeated verb):

so do I

6. do (requesting affirmation):

não é?

doe [doʊ, Brit dəʊ] SUBST (deer)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are, however, forbidden to mix with humans and will retaliate against any member of their species who does so.
Many groups are demanding a more hands-off approach where government does not micromanage the family.
He also believes a tuition boost now will generate more revenue -- if it does not shrink nonresident enrollment.
Rather, he does it guiding himself with his personal beliefs (often considered psychotic by many characters).
But this disposition does not always manifest itself with the exactitude of clocks; it is often capricious and pertains to various exterior and psychic causes.
Ryu does not wear a headband and sparring gloves throughout the series.
Generally, the connectivity discussion does not include extranet systems and fax machines because these both are considered manual intervention processes.
This extends like a green sash across part of the state, and altitude does not exceed 800 masl.
The planet has a natural capability to recover which means pollution that does not go beyond that capability can still be termed green.
It usually does not attack adult hamsters and rats.

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