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Übersetzungen für example im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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example [ɪgˈzæmpl, Brit -ˈzɑːm-] SUBST

for example
an example of sth
to follow sb's example
to set a good example

Beispielsätze für example

for example
an example of sth
to follow sb's example
to set a good example

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

For example, while debating with classmates on the importance of stem cell research an outspoken student loses his temper causing an uproar.
The travel industry's custom of selling the same seat or bed more than once is not an example of unashamed greed.
Goods may cause problems beyond their value; for example, furniture may have not easily seen bedbugs, which may cause an infestation which is difficult and expensive to eradicate.
For example, a corporation has the personal right to bring a lawsuit (as well as the capacity to be sued) and, like a natural person, a corporation can be libeled.
For instance, this holds for the above example provided that the limit is understood as a weak limit of measures (see vague topology).
Example of use: a proton has a diameter of about 1.6 to 1.7 femtometres.
One example of bycatch is dolphins caught in tuna nets.
For example, the marginal florets are funnel-shaped with crenate margins.
Theirs was not an irrational fear, nor an example of the NIMBY syndrome.
For example, a man could not go on the warpath without first performing the war-bundle feast, which contained two parts.

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