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Übersetzungen für seem im Englisch » Portugiesisch-Wörterbuch

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seem [siːm] VERB intr

1. seem (appear to be):

to seem as if ...
parecer que ...
to seem (to be) happy/upset
não é o que parece

2. seem (appear):

it seems that ...
parece que ...
it would seem so, so it seems

Beispielsätze für seem

to seem as if ...
to seem (to be) happy/upset

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some of us are haunted by memories and experiences that seem to bear down on everything else.
His leisurely labours as a biographer seem to have grown out of his devotion to angling.
Fox and persian fallow deer are present as well, but seem to have been hunted.
It just makes him seem passionless, and certainly emotionally shallow.
We would rhapsodise further if it didn't seem obsessive and weird.
They seem unfazed as they play their match underwater.
Even if natural gas prices were not at their current very low level, the conversion factor would seem to be overly generous.
In addition, some nanoparticles seem to be able to translocate from their site of deposition to distant sites such as the blood and the brain.
He didn't seem bothered at all - his attitude stank.
We seem trapped by an idea that supporting an elite institution is a suspicious, bad thing.

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