Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für hadn't im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Russisch » Englisch)

hadn't [ˈhædnt]

hadn't = had not, have

Siehe auch: have

I . have <has, had, had> [həv, stressed: hæv] VERB trans

4. have (give birth to):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The sun hadn't gone down yet, and kids were just hanging out, waiting for something to happen.
They said they hadn't got anyone lined up to strip off for the show yet, but have a "wish list".
When the box still hadn't arrived a week later, we sent a second box via a real courier company.
Fortunately, collective contracts were able to ensure long term employment and large scale welfare including paid vacations and numerous other fringe benefits workers hadn't previously enjoyed.
Those scornful of the decision, he said, likely hadn't sat through all the evidence.
We are 100% sure that if the punch bag hadn't kept on coming back for more, the ram would have left the issue.
The jury of the Central Criminal Court were told that the accused may have got the wrong man but the prosecution hadn't.
The pack horses stampeded and bolted - they hadn't heard the like before and of course a bolting pack horse soon looses its pack.
Did we mindlessly put up red equal signs when we hadn't even thought about what marriage is?
I hadn't expected to be outed like that in the media, and then to be chased down by the police.

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