community policing im Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Übersetzungen für community policing im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

I.police [Am pəˈlis, Brit pəˈliːs] SUBST

1. police (force) + Sg or pl Verb:

II.police [Am pəˈlis, Brit pəˈliːs] VERB trans

policing [Am pəˈlisɪŋ, Brit pəˈliːsɪŋ] SUBST U

community <pl communities> [Am kəˈmjunədi, Brit kəˈmjuːnɪti] SUBST

community policing im PONS Wörterbuch

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The department responded to this population growth implementing community policing techniques of the time by 1988.
The rest of the officers performed other duties, including community policing activities.
In this interview he described how he implemented the community policing program during his administration.
Today this close association with the public would be considered community policing.
Many sheriff's departments enlist the aid of local neighborhoods, using a community policing strategy, in working to prevent crime.
This police visibility also endorsed his commitment to adopt a comprehensive version of community policing.
It is used as a community policing tool.
A community activist, he is an advocate for youth and seniors' issues and a supporter of community policing.
The concept of covert policing evolved from that of community policing, but as criminality advanced, covert policing was seen to be needed to combat this.
Four citywide coordinators will oversee community policing programs targeted at victim assistance, seniors, youth, and victims of domestic violence.

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