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Übersetzungen für barney im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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bar·ney [ˈbɑ:ni] SUBST Brit

Krach m <-(e)s, Krạ̈·che> ugs
Streit m <-(e)s, -e>
to have a barney with sb

Barney [ˈbɑ:ni, Am ˈbɑ:r-] SUBST sl

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to have a barney with sb

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Barney realizes too late the dip contains cilantro, which he is allergic to, and begins to sneeze.
Barney chases the bird and hides behind a tree, to which the dog sneaks up behind him and draws the quail on his trouser seat.
Barney crashes through his boarded up window and is still insomniac, mainly because of his record player which he destroys in seconds.
Barney loves skull symbols, even putting them on his designer ballpoint pen.
Barney decides to ride the subway and show off the medal he was given for finishing the marathon.
Barney's photographsframed in plastic and often arranged in diptychs and triptychs that distill moments from the plotoften emulate classical portraiture.
Barney, meanwhile, has received an end-of-year bonus, which he intends to spend on luxuries for himself, including a suit with diamond pinstripes.
Barney tells the story of how he almost rode the tricycle the year before, but a spilled glass of red wine scuppered his chances.
Barney is very well-connected, and seems to know people who can help him procure any number of outlandish items or services.
Barney's expensive tastes and chivalrous ways are said to help him when it comes to socialising with serial's female characters.

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