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lib·era·tion [ˌlɪbəˈreɪʃən, Am -əˈreɪ-] SUBST no pl

liberation from
Befreiung f <-, -en> von +Dat

gay lib·eˈra·tion SUBST no pl dated

gay liberation
Schwulenbewegung f <-, -en> ugs
gay liberation

lib·eˈra·tion or·gani·za·tion SUBST

liberation organization
Befreiungsbewegung f <-, -en>
animal liberation organization

lib·era·tion the·ˈol·ogy SUBST

liberation theology

wom·en's lib·eˈra·tion SUBST no pl dated

women's liberation

Pal·es·tine Libe·ˈra·tion Or·gani·za·tion SUBST, PLO SUBST no pl, + Sg/pl Verb

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

animal liberation organization

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The discourses do not support seeing the luminous mind as nirvana within which exists prior to liberation.
Other scholars argue that while the rising began as a religious rebellion, it was gradually transformed into a war of national liberation.
That makes him a more complex figure than he might seem: a tyrant, a liberation hero and -- even -- an Anglophile monarch, all rolled into one.
The banknotes ceased to be legal tender after the liberation.
Nevertheless, she learns to embrace it as a liberation from anxiety, fear and self-consciousness.
The fact is, despite endless body image campaigns (often run by magazines in the business of making money and selling advertising space) no liberation has occurred at all.
Singer declared the book a manifesto for animal liberation, thereby coining the phrase.
A women's liberation resolution on the issue of male chauvinism was passed by conference attendees, for the first time.
However, a miracle is said to have led to her liberation.
The obverse of the coin contains a picture of the liberty cap which symbolizes the liberation of the people from the tax burden.

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