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Übersetzungen für bring out im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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bring out VERB trans

2. bring out Brit, Aus (encourage to be less shy):

3. bring out (introduce to market):

to bring out sth

4. bring out (reveal):

to bring out sth

5. bring out (utter):

6. bring out (cause rash):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The theater was named after the county in an effort to bring out-of-town customers to the shows.
Carter risks his life by re-entering the cave-in to bring out the boy.
She knows what to bring out of people.
I like my playing to bring out the songs.
Steaming also helps bring out the fresh, grassy flavor of the leaf.
This would provide a platform to the citizens for voicing their complaints and also bring out the deficiencies in the system for suitable remedial action.
Computer manufacturers frequently bring out new models, often with higher performance.
Even musicals, it would take three months after the release of the movie before they would bring out an album.
Nothing can bring out all that's in the book.
This allows her to speak the language of animals and bring out the good in others.

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