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Übersetzungen für external world im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ex·ˈter·nal world SUBST no pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Knowledge of essences would only be possible by bracketing all assumptions about the existence of an external world.
Transcendental arguments are often used as arguments against skepticism, usually about the reality of the external world or other minds.
Users may experience worlds or dimensions that are ineffable, all the while being completely unaware of their individual identities or the external world.
Verandas appear to be part of the building to an outsider, but part of the external world to those in the temple.
Nothing in the external world resembles it; it makes real what does not exist, that is to say, it turns itself into reality.
The yards were used for productive activities and for trade between the charterhouse and the external world.
Very aware of the personal film, her first piece explores a woman's subjectivity and her relation to the external world.
Examples might be laws of logic, or the belief in an external world of physical objects.
The hypomanic person's connection with the external world, and its standards of interaction, remain intact, although intensity of moods is heightened.
So, too, is the external world to the mind; which needs, also, as the condition of its manifestation, its objective correlative.

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