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Übersetzungen für feel-good im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈfeel-good ADJ attr, inv

a feel-good movie

ˈfeel-good fac·tor SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It was co-written by the group as a feel-good song, to which their listeners could relate without the song sounding cheesy.
However, it fails to leave you with the content smile that a feel-good movie ideally aims to do.
The film has tremendous youth appeal and feel-good factor to work in a big way.
It's undoubtedly one of the better feel-good-romantic films in recent times and rated the film 3.5/5.
His television commercials featured such feel-good scenes as the candidate bowling.
It is ranked second for feel-good factor of the city and for advising services and is ranked thirty-third for housing situation.
This creates a fluid, engaging and feel-good experience for consumers which ultimately lead to sales.
Hailed as a feel-good movie, the film is consistently preoccupied with themes of hope, happiness, and choice.
The time is right for this feel-good, funny, and fresh take on college life in the '80s.
It's a feel-good record; it gives you the feeling of reaching your home and being with people that you love.

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