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Übersetzungen für fire house im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈfire house SUBST Am

Feuerwache f <-, -n>

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Career staff are not in charge of the volunteer fire house.
The original fire house was subsequently sold and has been converted to an artist's studio and residence.
Twenty-four fire hydrants were installed and a fire house was built.
In 1818, the schoolhouse was built, while in 1896 a fire house and pond were added.
After admitting to ignoring pages from the fire house, she gave a false answer when asked if she had lost attraction to her husband.
We need to have a fire house out there.
In fact, once a month, crowding in a room at the fire house, they share home-cooked healthy foods, exchange recipes and tell their success stories.
It is the town's oldest surviving fire house, and one of only a few 19th-century municipal buildings in the town.
The southeast wing projects south and contains the two fire house doors, but the northeast wing does not project north.
A fire house was built in 1903, and the fire department was modernized, replacing its last horses with motorized equipment in 1913.

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