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Übersetzungen für front-page im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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ˈfront-page ADJ attr, inv

front-page story

front ˈpage SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Her seventeen-year marriage broke down in 1978, making front-page headlines in the national press.
Both women have already seen the morning newspaper in which the nightclub brawl is front-page news.
Despite front-page headlines, country-wide publicity and numerous appeals by the police, the identity of the victim remained a complete mystery.
The incident made front-page headlines nationally as alarming and frightening developments in football hooliganism.
His books are peppered with deliberate clues to potential front-page stories.
The storyline made front-page news and marked a change for the serial as they embarked on serious storylines.
The disaster was front-page news in newspapers across the country; rumors that the ship had been sabotaged were widely circulated but never substantiated.
Newspapers published front-page pictures of the smiling prince standing on a table in pale blue rompers.
The news media reported on the experiments widely, and it was a front-page item on many newspapers around the world (see science by press conference).
The accident gained much media attention including front-page headlines and television news reports.

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