Englisch » Deutsch

I . glance [glɑ:n(t)s, Am glæn(t)s] SUBST

II . glance [glɑ:n(t)s, Am glæn(t)s] VERB intr

1. glance (look):

to glance over [or through] a letter
to glance at sth watch
to glance around [or round] sth
to glance around a room
to glance up [from sth]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

No child of mine nor touch nor softness of glance, nor instant of desire.
When issues become technical, it is especially tempting simply to glance at who is on which side, and sidle toward our customary allies.
At first glance, he appears like the basic, rich snob of his era.
One is left to chance upon that knowing smile and that glint of wonder in her eye when one meets her glance.
It was constructed from myriads of telephoto images joined together which revealed the whole interior of the building at one glance.
The impression lasts until she takes exception, when a sidelong, scalpel sharp glance pierces the speaker.
We are a society living at the fringes of looking -- we either glance past or stare fixedly from some remove.
Although his works at first glance have a cheery or boyish look about them, there is a more sensitive idea at their basis.
At first glance it seems effort and "common sense" will lead to success, but these often prove to be unavailing.
At first glance the larger "sonomtre" resembles the keyboard of a harpsichord, with its dark and light keys.

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