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grind·er [ˈgraɪndəʳ, Am -ɚ] SUBST

1. grinder (mill):

Mühle f <-, -n>
coffee grinder
Kaffeemühle f <-, -n>
a hand/an electric grinder
spice grinder

2. grinder (sharpener):

Schleifmaschine f <-, -n>
knife grinder
scissor grinder

3. grinder dated (man who sharpens things):

Schleifer m <-s, ->
knife/scissor grinder

4. grinder Am (sandwich):


ˈcof·fee-grind·er SUBST

ˈgrind·er at·tach·ment SUBST

ˈmeat grind·er SUBST Am

meat grinder
Fleischwolf m <-(e)s, -wölfe>

ˈor·gan grind·er SUBST

organ grinder
Drehorgelspieler(in) m (f) <-s, -; -, -nen>
organ grinder
Leierkastenmann(-frau) m (f) <-(e)s, -männer>

ˈpep·per grind·er SUBST

pepper grinder
Pfeffermühle f <-, -n>

angle grinder SUBST

angle grinder TECH
angle grinder TECH
Flex® f

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

coffee grinder
Kaffeemühle f <-, -n>
scissor grinder
spice grinder
knife grinder
knife/scissor grinder
a hand/an electric grinder

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

At eight years, the wear of the first grinders is very apparent.
Drills and grinders often include this feature for added control.
To do this, the chip layer is conditioned with superheated steam and pressed through a steel die, similar to a meat grinder.
Other industries include manufacturing of electric pumps, auto components and wet grinders.
The core of the union's membership were the strippers and grinders, skilled adult male mechanics, who maintained the carding engines.
Welders, platers and grinders provided munitions of all shapes and sizes, and many female steelworkers, filled the gaps the men had left.
At that time the border of the incisors has been worn away a little below the level of the grinders.
Nicks, deep scratches, or excessive wear call for shaping the profile on a low speed grinder before beginning the method.
However, due to their size and cost, roller grinders are used exclusively by commercial and industrial scale coffee producers.
Grinders were made by some slaves in a factory.

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