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Übersetzungen für presumption im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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pre·sump·tion [prɪˈzʌmpʃən] SUBST

1. presumption (assumption):

Annahme f <-, -n>
Vermutung f <-, -en>
presumption of death JUR
the presumption of innocence JUR
to be based on the presumption that ...
the presumption is that ...
to make a presumption
to make a presumption
under the presumption that ...

2. presumption no pl form (arrogance):

Vermessenheit f <-, -en> geh
Überheblichkeit f <-, -en>

non-property presumption SUBST WIRECHT


Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

the presumption is that ...
under the presumption that ...
the presumption of innocence JUR
to make a presumption
presumption of death JUR
to be based on the presumption that ...

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There is a rebuttable presumption that people do not wish to later have legal enforcement of agreements made socially or domestically.
A registered mark effectively creates a presumption that the mark is distinctive, valid and owned by the registered owner.
No documentation exists regarding the facilities from 1913-1919, leading to the presumption that it was unoccupied during that time.
It creates a presumption wherein a partner or spouses presence is not seen as necessary to the conducting of business.
If the rule be expressed as a presumption of disloyalty, it is a conclusive one.
At trial, there is a presumption of guilt and the accused is often unable to examine witnesses and evidence or present a legal defense.
The presumption from the family trees was that most if not all fictional characters could be said to share the same universe.
The presumption of no regret options affects emission reduction cost estimates (p. 455).
But if there is clear intent to be contractually bound, the presumption is rebutted.
This presumption can be rebutted in several situations.

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