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Übersetzungen für reversion im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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re·ver·sion [rɪˈvɜ:ʃən, Am -ˈvɜ:rʒən] SUBST no pl

1. reversion form:

reversion (return to earlier position) to
Umkehr f <-> zu +Dat
reversion (to bad state) to
Rückfall <-(e)s, -fälle> in +Akk

2. reversion JUR:

Rückfallsrecht nt fachspr
reversion of property to the state
right of reversion
Anwartschaftsrecht nt <-(e)s, -e>

mean reversion SUBST FINMKT


Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

right of reversion
Anwartschaftsrecht nt <-(e)s, -e>
reversion of property to the state

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He believed that human disease could be alleviated by a simple reversion back to a plant-based diet.
This change allows the exhaust port velocity to more effectively scavenge the cylinder and reduce reversion pulses to enhance induction.
However, a 2004 redesign prompted many calls for reversion to the original code.
In 1975 the badge design partially reverted to the 1956 version. 1985 saw a reversion to the 1956 issue with some minor differences.
There is a small risk of reversion to virulence, which is smaller in vaccines with deletions.
The house was occupied by offices for sixty years before its recent reversion to a private residence.
The recovery time for reversion of such anomalies is typically on the order of several years.
A historical mean reversion model will not fully incorporate the actual behavior of a security's price.
Such selections are often prone to reversion, meaning that part or all of the plant reverts to its original form.
Her death then caused his reversion back to his own universe.

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