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rol·lick·ing1 [ˈrɒlɪkɪŋ, Am ˈrɑ:l-] ADJ attr aufw

rollicking party
rollicking film
rollicking fun
rollicking fun
to have a rollicking good time

rol·lick·ing2 [ˈrɒlɪkɪŋ] SUBST usu Sg Brit ugs

Anpfiff m <-(e)s, -e> ugs
Anschiss m <-es, -e> derb

I . rol·lick [ˈrɒlɪk, Am ˈrɑ:l-] VERB intr

II . rol·lick [ˈrɒlɪk, Am ˈrɑ:l-] SUBST

1. rollick (merrymaking):

2. rollick (escapade):

Eskapade f <-, -n>

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

rollicking film
rollicking fun
rollicking party
to have a rollicking good time

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He would give you a rollicking one minute and then it would be forgotten.
The work ends with another chorale fantasia with a rollicking gigue melody.
This first book in a series of four sets the stage nicely for what is sure to be a rollicking, epic ride.
But the piano impatiently interrupts three times, and finally bursts out with the rollicking main theme of this last movement.
The album includes new original rollicking drinking songs for which the band is best known, as well as a selection of original ballads.
That campaign forms the narrative thread of this rollicking sea saga.
The parade there had become a vacation carnival of costuming and consumptiona rollicking amusement for the tourist.
Her name itself has become synonymous with rollicking, rough and tumble adventure.
She was described by critics as mischievous, unpredictable, impulsive, rattlebrained, teasing, piquant, rollicking, cheerful and devilish.
It's a rollicking trip through music history, and a worthy personal journey too many of us will be able to relate to.

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