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Übersetzungen für thankless im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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thank·less [ˈθæŋkləs] ADJ

1. thankless (not rewarding):

a thankless job [or task]

2. thankless (ungrateful):

thankless person, behaviour

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

a thankless job [or task]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It seems that this was expected to be a thankless task, since he was promised preferment both for his past services and the labours which he would have to endure.
This can be thankless work, and doesn't tend to make you very popular with news managers.
What a thankless, lawless society we live in today.
Speaking in the imperative mood throughout, he commands his soul to go upon a thankless errand and tell various people and organizations of their misdeeds and wrongdoings.
This was arduous and thankless work, each piece requiring enormous physical and psychological effort from a man who was already in his mid sixties.
Any outspoken feminist will likely tell you that it all sometimes feel thankless.
It can be grinding, complex work, sometimes thankless, and technical too.
Often, in the old homemade days, moms would get that thankless assignment.
Farming life is enriching but often so exasperating, so thankless.
Marvel themselves declared her their own second most favorite hero of 2011, citing her tremendous and thankless heroism.

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