bag im Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Übersetzungen für bag im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

I.bag [Brit baɡ, Am bæɡ] SUBST

III.bag <forma in -ing bagging, Past, Part Perf bagged> [Brit baɡ, Am bæɡ] VERB trans

5. bag (put in bags) → bag up

IV.bag <forma in -ing bagging, Past, Part Perf bagged> [Brit baɡ, Am bæɡ] VERB intr

Siehe auch: bag up

flight bag [Am ˈflaɪ(t) ˌbæɡ] SUBST

bag lady [Brit, Am ˈbæɡ ˌleɪdi] SUBST ugs

ink bag → ink sac

Siehe auch: ink sac

Gladstone bag [Brit ˈɡladst(ə)n, Am ˈɡlædsˌtoʊn ˌbæɡ] SUBST

Jiffy bag® [Brit, Am ˈdʒɪfi bæɡ] SUBST

sick bag [Brit] SUBST (on plane, bus etc.)

body bag [Brit, Am ˈbɑdi ˌbæɡ] SUBST MILIT

bag im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für bag im Englisch»Italienisch-Wörterbuch

bag Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to be a bag of bones ugs
non è la mia borsa, è la sua
to zip a bag/a dress
non è la mia borsa, è la sua
non è la sua borsa, è la mia
partire con -i e bagagli übtr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I could put like, a paper cup in the bag before it tore.
To a piping bag or a plastic sandwich bag with a small corner snipped off, add the seasoned butter.
And if it doesn't, summon up the courage to banish the offending garment to the giveaway bag.
Tea bag medallions are a type of origami that makes a wonderful decoration for the front of a card.
Sanctions are always a bit of a mixed bag - if you're trying to ostracise a country they can be quite effective.
Mandolin, bag pipes and tin whistle enhance the eclectic style of the songs.
A musette, the owner explained, is a small tote bag used to pass meals to cyclists during a race.
The wing mirror of the vehicle caught the victim's bag.
He sometimes charges them by hitting a punching bag, but says that it doesn't charge them fully.
She became a bit of a punch bag and a bit of a bad gag.

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